Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well, well, well..... I think I will entitle this blog post "It's about darn time." I think it's been at least 6-8 months since I last blogged. Shame on me!

So, what's happened in the last 6 months? I've turned 44. Oh how I hate typing those words! I've found lots of long, lost friends on Facebook. That is always fun and really my reason in posting something new. I have been working at the Seattle LDS Temple for several months and Love, Love, Love it! I received a new calling at church, I'm service as the Education Couselor in the Relief Society and I Love it to. Mostly I love working w/ the people that I do. They are all so amazing and I'm learning so much. I took a trip to Boston and New York in October to visit my friend Keppi. We had such a great time. I will post some pics. A couple of highlights from the trip were being on the Today show and meeting Ann Curry, Seeing the musical "Wicked" and meeting Rocko Dispirsa. Boston was great too. Loved learning about all of the history the New England area has to offer.

Ok, well that's a start. Cross my heart and hope to die, I will try to do better at this blogging thing.



Becky Rose said...

yeah! A blog entry from Shelly! Love ya girl!

grandkrumps said...

Welcome back. How great to see you in photos--sounds like a great trip. How's Keppi doing? Working in the Temple is the BEST!!! Happy day!

Joe and Joanne said...

Shelly, great to see you're back to the world of BLOG. I got your email and sent invitations to view my blog to both your email addresses (the one connected to your blog and the one you emailed me from). Let me know if you're able to get in.

Joe and Joanne said...

Oh, and in all seriousness Shelly, there is nothing OLD about turning 44. Go listen to Elder Hales recent CES talk. You are still young and "have your whole life ahead of you!" We put way too much emphasis on age in this church. You still have many fabulous things coming your way -- chin up!