Sunday, January 20, 2008

Here's to a great 2008!

Well, 2008 is well on it's way. My friend Keppi just relocated to Boston and I have taken her place in her Woodinville townhome w/ Jen as a new roommate. This picture is of me and my peeps. We are at Keppi's going away party and the people in the picture are as follows; Susan (back center) just moved to Seattle w/ her cute dog Sophie. Jen (far right) is my new, very cool roommate. And front and center is Keppi.

School is going well. I just completed an Algebra class which was a prereq to Quantative Reasoning. You might ask..."What is Quantative Reasoning?" I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. The class is made up of a little right angle trig, some exponential growth and decay and a smidge of sets and logic. FUN! NOT! Pray for me, I'm the least logical person I know.

I'm coming up on 1 year at Dr. Danforth's office. I love working for him. We have a great mix of people on our staff and we are performing some great dentistry.

Happily, I was just called as the Primary teacher for the seven year olds in my ward. They are cute little angles...most of the time. LOL.

Christmas was a lovely time with the family. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get any pics. Poor sister Sue had to have her gall bladder out the day after, but is doing fabulously now.

Well, here is to a great 2008! I'll check in again soon. --Shelly