Sunday, June 29, 2008

Do you remember the 21st day of September?

This has been a week of great "Live Music" for me.

On Tuesday night I attended the Whitmore Family Benefits Concert at Meydenbauer Center featuring a great local band called About Face. Michael Whitmore (Redmond 1st ward member) was a former drummer in the band. Regrettably, Mike lost his lovely wife Deborah to that nasty disease, Cancer. She was a wonderful lady and her influence will be greatly missed. I wish I'd have had more of an opportunity to get to know her.

Anyway, the band played some great classic rock tunes. I sang along to just about everyone. I have to say "Hotel California" by the Eagles was one of my faves.

It's and music. If there is any sort of beat playing anywhere within earshot of me, I have to move to it... somehow. Even if it's just my big toe tapping. I remember my cousin Keith Starnes saying something like, "Sheesh Shelly, you can't not move to the beat." It's true. Something happens inside and I have to act on it.

The band, About Face will be paying again July 17 in Sammamish. You can bet I'll be there.

The second live music experience was last night. My roommate Jen came home from work on Friday with two tickets to San Saint Michelle's Saturday night concert with Earth, Wind & Fire. EARTH, WIND & FIRE!!! Her boss gave them to her thinking we might enjoy them. Thank you Larry! What a fun night it was. Guess which one was my favorite? Yep! September. They played so many songs that I just love. The people watching was pretty amazing too. I'm pretty sure Jen and I were the only sober girls in that sea of people.

I might have to consider seeing more live music. It is sooooo fun.

Today it's 89 degrees in our apartment. HOT, HOT, HOT!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This one is for Jen and Joanne

As mentioned in the title line, this blog is for Jen and Joanne. Just hearing that my site has been visited nearly everyday, and there had been no change to it, was all I needed to hear to get going again. Thank you to my friends for lighting a fire under my blogging buns.

Well, I survived Quantative Reasoning quite well, if I do say so myself. Call me"Sister 4.0". I have to say that taking those last two math classes and getting the grades I did, really boosted my academic confidence. Unfortunately, I'm taking this quarter off to save $$$. But next quarter I plan on starting my biology and science classes. WhooHoo!

I celebrated my birthday since last blogging. My girls and I took a trip to Spokane to visit Jen K. We had a great time. They are all trying to convert me to the love of dangly earings. Everytime we go we visit a store called Finders Keepers and they are all pleased that I have been alittle less conservative and alittle more adventurous w/ my earlobes. Thanks girls.

Easter was a fun day w/ the family. After speaking in sacrament meeting on the topic of, you guessed it, the Ressurrection, I drove to my sister's house in Covington. Despite the rain, we convinced Dad that we needed to grill. No ham dinner for us. We had bbq'd chicken and ribs. My daddy is the BEST bbq'er.

OK! I place my right hand over my heart and do so swear to be a better blogger. Have a great day my friends.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Here's to a great 2008!

Well, 2008 is well on it's way. My friend Keppi just relocated to Boston and I have taken her place in her Woodinville townhome w/ Jen as a new roommate. This picture is of me and my peeps. We are at Keppi's going away party and the people in the picture are as follows; Susan (back center) just moved to Seattle w/ her cute dog Sophie. Jen (far right) is my new, very cool roommate. And front and center is Keppi.

School is going well. I just completed an Algebra class which was a prereq to Quantative Reasoning. You might ask..."What is Quantative Reasoning?" I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. The class is made up of a little right angle trig, some exponential growth and decay and a smidge of sets and logic. FUN! NOT! Pray for me, I'm the least logical person I know.

I'm coming up on 1 year at Dr. Danforth's office. I love working for him. We have a great mix of people on our staff and we are performing some great dentistry.

Happily, I was just called as the Primary teacher for the seven year olds in my ward. They are cute little angles...most of the time. LOL.

Christmas was a lovely time with the family. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get any pics. Poor sister Sue had to have her gall bladder out the day after, but is doing fabulously now.

Well, here is to a great 2008! I'll check in again soon. --Shelly