Thursday, March 26, 2009

Antibiotics Rule!

I've been fighting this sickness for the last 3 weeks but it wasn't until my doctor put me on a 10 day course of antibiotics that I'm finally starting to feel better. This is after 2 failed rounds of steriods.

This all started when my doctor stopped giving me samples of my Advair Disc Inhaler. She has been doing so for over a year because even w/ insurance it costs me over $100.00 a month. Well, apparently the drug companies are feeling the sting of these difficult economic times and they aren't giving away the samples that they were. So, my Dr. and I started looking for a cheaper one that would work just as well. No such luck. Turns out nothing works as good as Advair. Once I started messing around w/ the different inhalers, it left my respiratory system vulnerable and the first virus to come along set up shop. I picture the big, green Mucinex guy in there. Yuck!

Ok, I know some might think this is a weird thing to blog about. But I'm really just trying to blog and tonight it's all I could think about to write.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some fun photos!

First close up view of Lady Liberty.

This is me at the "Top of the Rock"
Rockefeller Center.

The Tavern on the Green in Central Park.

Ann Curry is an amazing lady.

The girls in Time Square.


Well, well, well..... I think I will entitle this blog post "It's about darn time." I think it's been at least 6-8 months since I last blogged. Shame on me!

So, what's happened in the last 6 months? I've turned 44. Oh how I hate typing those words! I've found lots of long, lost friends on Facebook. That is always fun and really my reason in posting something new. I have been working at the Seattle LDS Temple for several months and Love, Love, Love it! I received a new calling at church, I'm service as the Education Couselor in the Relief Society and I Love it to. Mostly I love working w/ the people that I do. They are all so amazing and I'm learning so much. I took a trip to Boston and New York in October to visit my friend Keppi. We had such a great time. I will post some pics. A couple of highlights from the trip were being on the Today show and meeting Ann Curry, Seeing the musical "Wicked" and meeting Rocko Dispirsa. Boston was great too. Loved learning about all of the history the New England area has to offer.

Ok, well that's a start. Cross my heart and hope to die, I will try to do better at this blogging thing.
